About Us
We created ShipCertificates to simplify the process of delivering completion certificates to students in the 21st century. Although most classes and courses are available online these days, often times the student prefers to or needs to receive their certificate in a physical format. With our inexpensive prices, high quality prints, and prompt service, we can help any size business, large or small, to offer professional certificates to their students by using our online portal!
About Us
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Suspendisse potenti. Donec sem nulla, molestie vitae dolor imperdiet, gravida sagittis nisi. Nunc vitae lacus mauris. Fusce nibh libero, convallis et ex eget, gravida pellentesque odio. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque lobortis dictum luctus. Sed felis dui, consequat at suscipit sit amet, tempor id eros. Donec molestie lobortis massa, eget tincidunt nibh aliquet id. Proin rutrum egestas nunc, id ullamcorper ante consectetur a. Pellentesque dignissim fringilla risus vitae varius. Proin sit amet aliquam diam. Morbi non elit non turpis volutpat tincidunt. Quisque mattis, erat eu auctor eleifend, lectus nisi egestas augue, in tempus turpis urna at eros. Aenean non blandit mi, non feugiat orci.
Printing & Shipping Included
We save you time & money because we PRINT CERTIFICATES & SHIP them to individuals.
The service process is simple, you upload/send us the certificates and attach your name and address to the certificates and we handle the rest.
We print & ship certificates for a large number of educational and training companies.
Quality Print & Shipping Process

Professional Color Certificate and Document Printing and Shipping Service
Some of our customers

Contact Us Today!
You can sign-up for the service for FREE. There is no cost for sign-up. The service is very simple. You UPLOAD the CERTIFICATES and ENTER the Contact Information of the person to whom the associated certificate will be SHIPPED TO. We take care of the rest. We offer tracking numbers for each certificate shipped when you add Priority Shipping.